Silvina Tse y Michael Nadtochi

Silvina Tse y Michael Nadtochi
For the first time in France

Silvina Tse

The love for Argentine Tango of Silvina Tse started in 2009 and then she started studying with we­ll renowned maestros from Italy and Buen­os Aires. Currently Silvina is a full-time teacher at two est­ablished Tango schoo­ls in Bologna – ​ St­reetango & ArteDanza.
After receiving a de­gree in civil engine­ering Silvina decided to dedicate her li­fe exclusively to da­nce. Her ap­proach to Tango cons­ists on studying a variety of styles in order to understand the entire subject and help every single student to find a personal style

Michael Nadtochi

Michael Nadtochi has been a professional dancer for more than two decades. For the past 15 years Michael focused entirely on performing and teaching the art of Argentine Tango. He leaved his native Russia to USA and in 2013 he was one of the principal dancers at Malbec & Tango House New York City – the first authentic nightly Argentine Tango show produced in USA.
As an artist he believes that the most important aspect of becoming a greater dancer is the process of self-discovery. Classes and workshops are only tools that give the necessary technique and help dancers to discover who they really are.
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